Welcome! We are a full-service digital agency that can help you with all of your website needs. Use our calculator to get an estimate for your website project.
Estimate Your Project Type of website: I don't know ($0) Static (e.g. SSG) ($10) Dynamic (e.g. SSR) ($5)
Choose a framework: Next.js ($0) Astro ($5) CRA ($10)
Styling: Tailwind ($0) CSS ($5) SCSS ($10) Bootstrap ($30)
What's your current situation?: I have nothing, I need a new website ($0) I have some things, I need new things ($1) I have a website, I want to convert it ($2)
Responsive design?: Desktop with basic mobile responsiveness ($0) Mobile with basic desktop responsiveness ($5) Detailed responsive desktop and mobile ($10) Only mobile (desktop can be made later) ($15)
Category of your website: I don't know / Not listed ($0) Landing Page only ($5) Informational ($7) Blog ($10) Portfolio ($12) E-commerce ($15)
Number of pages: I don't know ($0) 1-5 ($10) 6-10 ($20) 11-20 ($30) 21-50 ($40) 50+ ($50)
User authentication: I don't need this ($0) NextAuth.js ($5) Clerk ($10)
Hosting provider: Vercel / I don't know / I don't need ($0) Netlify / GitHub Pages / etc. ($2) Hostinger / Bluehost / etc. ($10) VPS / AWS / Azure / etc. ($20)
API integration complexity: Not applicable / I don't know what this is ($0) Basic ($5) Medium ($20) Advanced ($40)
Database integration: I don't know / I don't need this / Not listed ($0) Drizzle ORM with MySQL (recommended) ($5) Drizzle ORM with PostgreSQL ($10) Drizzle ORM with SQLite ($15) Prisma ORM with MySQL ($7) Prisma ORM with PostgreSQL ($12) Prisma ORM with SQLite ($17) Prisma ORM with MongoDB ($20) Astro DB with LibSQL ($2)
Expected project deadline: I don't know ($0) 7 days ($20) 14 days ($10) 30 days ($5)
Hide advanced options Already designed components?: none / shadcn ($0) flowbite ($10) react-spectrum ($12)
Preferred starter for the project: none / relivator ($0) create-t3-app ($2) vercel/commerce ($10)
How many sections your website need?: I don't know ($0) 1-5 ($5) 6-10 ($10) 11-20 ($15) 21-50 ($20)
Do you need AI integration?: No, I don't need this ($0) Vercel AI with GPT ($10) Open AI's GPT3 ($20) Open AI's GPT4 ($25) LangChain ($50)
EstimatedTotal Cost : $0 (on Fiverr: $0)